Developing the package


  • At least Python 3.7, 3.8 or 3.9

  • (Optional but highly recommended) pyenv

On Apple M1 it is currently required to install postgresql package. Once compatible wheels are released, you can remove it.

Setup a development environment

To setup your local environment simply run the below statement:

make local target=setup

You will see that there are a series of AWS and Snowflake-based env variables. You really only need these set if you want to test snowflake or AWS functionality.

Finally, let’s set up a toy postgres to run queries against.

We’ve created a docker image that uses the sample pagila database for testing and experimentation. To use this database please run the following docker image in the background. You’ll notice that we are using port 5433 to ensure that this postgres instance does not interfere with other running postgres instances.

docker run --rm -it -p 5433:5432 dimberman/pagila-test &

Setup IDE and editor support

nox -s dev

Once completed, point the Python environment to .nox/dev in your IDE or editor of choice.

Set up pre-commit hooks

If you do NOT have pre-commit installed, run the following command to get a copy:

nox --install-only lint

and find the pre-commit command in .nox/lint.

After locating the pre-commit command, run:

path/to/pre-commit install

Run linters manually

nox -s lint

Run tests

On all supported Python versions:

nox -s test

On only 3.9 (for example):

nox -s test-3.9

Please also note that you can reuse an existing environment if you run nox with the -r argument (or even -R if you don’t want to attempt to reinstall packages). This can significantly speed up repeat test runs.

Build documentation

nox -s build_docs

Check code coverage

To run code coverage locally, you can either use pytest in one of the test environments or run nox -s test with coverage arguments. We use pytest-cov for our coverage reporting.

Below is an example of running a coverage report on a single test. In this case the relevant file is src/astro/sql/operators/ since we are testing the postgres transform decorator.

nox -R -s test -- --cov-report term --cov-branch --cov=src/astro/sql/operators  tests/operators/
===================================================== test session starts =====================================================
platform darwin -- Python 3.9.10, pytest-6.2.5, py-1.11.0, pluggy-1.0.0
rootdir: /Users/dimberman/code/astronomer/astro-project/plugins/astro, configfile: pyproject.toml
plugins: anyio-3.5.0, requests-mock-1.9.3, split-0.6.0, dotenv-0.5.2, cov-3.0.0
collected 12 items

tests/operators/ ............                                                                 [100%]

====================================================== warnings summary =======================================================

---------- coverage: platform darwin, python 3.9.10-final-0 ----------
Name                                                  Stmts   Miss Branch BrPart  Cover   Missing
src/astro/sql/operators/                       0      0      0      0   100%
src/astro/sql/operators/      46     32     16      0    26%   61-89, 100-138, 162
src/astro/sql/operators/        66     45     16      0    30%   19-21, 24, 27, 51-65, 80-95, 98-105, 109, 115-128, 131, 149
src/astro/sql/operators/            56     35     10      0    35%   61-67, 76-101, 106-110, 118-140, 166-167
src/astro/sql/operators/                   65     43     14      0    30%   64-70, 79-95, 98-109, 112-152, 162-182, 188-190, 220-224
src/astro/sql/operators/           50     36     20      0    23%   45-56, 67-85, 90-117
src/astro/sql/operators/            43     28     12      0    31%   48-59, 69-118
src/astro/sql/operators/         20     11      2      0    50%   32-40, 55-60
src/astro/sql/operators/         110     86     32      0    21%   24-27, 32-33, 36-49, 52-73, 76-92, 95-98, 103-119, 122, 125-134, 146-169, 196-216, 231-260, 280
src/astro/sql/operators/                 76     13     22      2    79%   83, 130, 160-174
src/astro/sql/operators/                201     45     78     16    72%   107-110, 126->128, 137, 166, 175, 194-196, 206->210, 223-224, 228-243, 247-248, 259, 277, 280, 287, 291-293, 296, 311, 315, 322-327, 330-335, 340, 346-363, 380-392
TOTAL                                                   733    374    222     18    46%

Release a new version

Build new release artifacts:

nox -s build

Publish a release to PyPI:

nox -s release

Nox tips

  • Pass -R to skip environment setup, e.g. nox -Rs lint

  • Pass -r to skip environment creation but re-install packages, e.g. nox -rs dev

  • Find more automation commands with nox -l

Using a container to run Airflow DAGs

You can configure the Docker-based testing environment to test your DAG

  1. Install the latest versions of the Docker Community Edition and Docker Compose and add them to the PATH.

  2. Run make container target=build-run

  3. Put the DAGs you want to run in the dev/dags directory:

  4. If you want to add Connections, create a connections.yaml file in the dev directory.

    See the Connections Guide for more information.


      conn_type: druid
      extra: '{"endpoint": "druid/v2/sql"}'
      host: druid-broker
      login: null
      password: null
      port: 8082
      schema: null
      conn_type: mysql
      extra: null
      host: mysql
      login: root
      password: plainpassword
      port: null
      schema: airflow
  5. The following commands are available to run from the root of the repository.

  • make container target=logs - To view the logs of the all the containers

  • make container target=stop - To stop all the containers

  • make container target=clean - To remove all the containers along with volumes

  • make container target=help - To view the available commands

  • make container target=build-run - To build the docker image and then run containers

  • make container target=docs - To build the docs using Sphinx

  • make container target=restart - To restart Scheduler & Triggerer containers

  • make container target=restart-all - To restart all the containers

  • make container target=shell - To run bash/shell within a container (Allows interactive session)

  1. Following ports are accessible from the host machine:

  • 8080 - Webserver

  • 5555 - Flower

  • 5432 - Postgres

  1. Dev Directories:

  • dev/dags/ - DAG Files

  • dev/logs/ - Logs files of the Airflow containers