Astro Python SDK


Getting started with the Astro Python SDK

This tutorial demonstrates how to use the Astro Python SDK through a simple ETL pipeline that you can run on your local machine. The pipeline you build will:

  • Extract a file from S3 into a Snowflake relational table.

  • Transform that table in Snowflake.

  • Load that transformed table into a reporting table in Snowflake.

Assumed knowledge

To get the most out of this tutorial, make sure you have a knowledge of:

  • Basic Python and SQL.

  • Airflow fundamentals, such as writing DAGs and defining tasks.


To complete this tutorial, you need:

  • An AWS S3 account with a storage bucket. If you don’t already have an account, Amazon offers 5GB of free storage in S3 for 12 months. This should be more than enough for this tutorial.

  • A Snowflake Enterprise account. If you don’t already have an account, Snowflake has a free Snowflake trial for 30 days.

  • Python 3.

  • A local Airflow environment. You can use either Apache Airflow or the Astro CLI to run your environment. If you’re using the Astro CLI, we recommend creating a new Astro project for this tutorial.

Step 1: Set up your data stores

  1. On your local machine create a file named orders_data_header.csv with the following data:

  2. Upload orders_data_header.csv to your S3 bucket.

  3. In Snowflake, create a new Worksheet and run the following SQL commands:


    Ensure that you have ACCOUNTADMIN permissions for your newly created database.

Step 2: Set up your Airflow environment

  1. Install the Astro Python SDK. If you are using Apache Airflow, run the following command to install the Python SDK and additional packages packages required for working with AWS and Snowflake.

    pip install 'astro-sdk-python[amazon,snowflake]>=1.0'

    If you are using the Astro CLI, you can install these packages by adding the following line to the requirements.txt file of your Astro project:

  2. Create the necessary environment variables for running the Astro SDK. If you are using Apache Airflow, you can do this by running the following commands:


    Note: AIRFLOW__CORE__ENABLE_XCOM_PICKLING needs to be enabled for astro-sdk-python. Read more: Airflow Core Enable XCOM Pickling

    If you are using the Astro CLI, you can do this by adding the following text to your .env file:


    Note: If you’re running Airflow on macOS, you must additionally set the following environment variable (background): shell         export OBJC_DISABLE_INITIALIZE_FORK_SAFETY=YES        

  3. Start Airflow. If you have an Apache Airflow environment, you can do this by running:

    airflow standalone

    If you use the Astro CLI, you can start a local Airflow environment by opening your Astro project and running:

    astro dev start
  4. Confirm that your environment is up and running by opening http://localhost:8080/ in a web browser.

Step 3: Create Airflow connections to data stores

  1. Open the Airflow UI at http://localhost:8080/

  2. Open to Admin > Connections.

  3. Create a new connection with the following values:

    • Connection ID: aws_default

    • Connection type: S3

    • Extra: {"aws_access_key_id": "<your_access_key>", "aws_secret_access_key": "<you_secret_access_key>"}

Connect Snowflake to Airflow

Click on the blue “+” icon to Add a new record

  • Connection Id: snowflake_default

  • Connection Type: Snowflake

  • Host: https://<account>.<region> This is the URL where you can log into your Snowflake account


  • Login:

  • Password:

  • Account:

  • Database: ASTRO_SDK_DB

  • Region: (something like us-east-1 or us-central1.gcp)


  • Warehouse: ASTRO_SDK_DW

Step 4: Create and populate some tables in Snowflake

Let’s create some auxiliary tables in Snowflake and populate them with a small amount of data for our ETL example.

  1. In your Snowflake Worksheet, create and populate a customers_table. We will join this table with an orders table that we create with the Astro Python SDK:

    CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE customers_table (customer_id CHAR(10), customer_name VARCHAR(100), type VARCHAR(10) );
  2. Create and populate a reporting table. This is where we’ll merge our transformed data:

    CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE reporting_table (

Step 5: Write a DAG for a simple ETL workflow

Use your favorite code editor or text editor to copy-paste the following code into a .py file in your project’s dags directory:

from datetime import datetime

from airflow.models import DAG
from pandas import DataFrame

from astro import sql as aql
from astro.files import File
from astro.sql.table import Table

S3_FILE_PATH = "s3://<aws-bucket-name>"
S3_CONN_ID = "aws_default"
SNOWFLAKE_CONN_ID = "snowflake_default"
SNOWFLAKE_ORDERS = "orders_table"
SNOWFLAKE_JOINED = "joined_table"
SNOWFLAKE_CUSTOMERS = "customers_table"
SNOWFLAKE_REPORTING = "reporting_table"

def filter_orders(input_table: Table):
    return "SELECT * FROM {{input_table}} WHERE amount > 150"

def join_orders_customers(filtered_orders_table: Table, customers_table: Table):
    return """SELECT c.customer_id, customer_name, order_id, purchase_date, amount, type
    FROM {{filtered_orders_table}} f JOIN {{customers_table}} c
    ON f.customer_id = c.customer_id"""

def transform_dataframe(df: DataFrame):
    purchase_dates = df.loc[:, "purchase_date"]
    print("purchase dates:", purchase_dates)
    return purchase_dates

dag = DAG(
    start_date=datetime(2019, 1, 1),

with dag:
    # Extract a file with a header from S3 into a temporary Table, referenced by the
    # variable `orders_data`
    orders_data = aql.load_file(
        # data file needs to have a header row
            path=S3_FILE_PATH + "/orders_data_header.csv", conn_id=S3_CONN_ID

    # Create a Table object for customer data in our Snowflake database
    customers_table = Table(

    # Filter the orders data and then join with the customer table,
    # saving the output into a temporary table referenced by the Table instance `joined_data`
    joined_data = join_orders_customers(filter_orders(orders_data), customers_table)

    # Merge the joined data into our reporting table, based on the order_id .
    # If there's a conflict in the customer_id or customer_name then use the ones from
    # the joined data
    reporting_table = aql.merge(
        columns=["customer_id", "customer_name"],

    purchase_dates = transform_dataframe(reporting_table)

    # Delete temporary and unnamed tables created by `load_file` and `transform`, in this example
    # both `orders_data` and `joined_data`

Step 6: Run the code

  1. In the Airflow UI, you should see a DAG called astro_orders. Make it active by clicking the slider next to its name:


  2. Click the play button next to the DAG’s name to run the DAG:


  3. Click the DAG’s name to see how it ran in the Grid view:


How does it work?

The example DAG uses the TaskFlow API and decorators to define dependencies between tasks. If you’re used to defining dependencies with bitshift operators, this might not look familiar. Essentially, the TaskFlow API abstracts dependencies, XComs, and other boilerplate DAG code so that you can define task dependencies with function invocations.

The Astro SDK takes this abstraction a step further while providing more flexibility to your code. The most important details are:

  • Using aql decorators, you can run both SQL and Python within a Pythonic context. In our example DAG, we use decorators to run both SQL queries and Python code

  • The Astro SDK includes a Table object which contains all of the metadata that’s necessary for handling SQL table creation between Airflow tasks. When a Table is passed into a function, the Astro SDK automatically passes all connection, XCom, and metadata configuration to the task.

    The example DAG demonstrates one of the key powers of the Table object. When we called join_orders_customers, we joined two tables that had different connections and schema. The Astro SDK automatically creates a temporary table and handles joining the tables.

  • The Astro SDK can automatically convert to SQL tables to pandas DataFrames using the aql.dataframe, meaning you can run complex ML models and SQL queries on the same data in the same DAG without any additional configuration.

Now that you understand the core qualities of the Astro SDK, let’s look at it in the context of the example DAG by walking through each step in our ETL pipeline.


To extract from S3 into a SQL Table, we only need to specify the location of the data on S3 and an Airflow connection for the destination SQL table in Snowflake.

# Extract a file with a header from S3 into a temporary Table, referenced by the
# variable `orders_data`
orders_data = aql.load_file(
    # data file needs to have a header row
    input_file=File(path=S3_FILE_PATH + "/orders_data_header.csv", conn_id=S3_CONN_ID),

Because we don’t want to keep the content of orders_data after the DAG is completed, we specify it without a name. When you define a Table object without a preexisting name, that table is considered a temporary table.

The Astro SDK deletes all temporary tables after you run aql.cleanup in your DAG.


We can filter our loaded table from S3 and join it to a Snowflake table with single line of code. The result of this function is a temporary table called joined_data:

def filter_orders(input_table: Table):
    return "SELECT * FROM {{input_table}} WHERE amount > 150"

def join_orders_customers(filtered_orders_table: Table, customers_table: Table):
    return """SELECT c.customer_id, customer_name, order_id, purchase_date, amount, type
    FROM {{filtered_orders_table}} f JOIN {{customers_table}} c
    ON f.customer_id = c.customer_id"""

# Create a Table object for customer data in our Snowflake database
customers_table = Table(

# Filter the orders data and then join with the customer table,
# saving the output into a temporary table referenced by the Table instance `joined_data`
joined_data = join_orders_customers(filter_orders(orders_data), customers_table)

Because we defined customers_table, it is not considered temporary and will not be deleted after running aql.cleanup.


To merge our processed data into a reporting table, we call the aql.merge function:

# Merge the joined data into our reporting table, based on the order_id .
# If there's a conflict in the customer_id or customer_name then use the ones from
# the joined data
reporting_table = aql.merge(
    columns=["customer_id", "customer_name"],

aql.merge is database agnostic. It automatically handles all background XComs and configuration that are required when working with tables from separate sources.

Dataframe transformation

To illustrate the power of the @aql.dataframe decorator, we simply convert our reporting table to a simple dataframe operation:

def transform_dataframe(df: DataFrame):
    purchase_dates = df.loc[:, "purchase_date"]
    print("purchase dates:", purchase_dates)
    return purchase_dates

You can find the output of this function in the logs of the final task:


Clean up temporary tables

Temporary tables can be created by setting table.temp=True when defining a Table object, or by simply not defining a Table outside of a function. Because we created a few temporary tables in the DAG, we need to delete them at the end of the DAG.

You can clean up temporary tables in one of two ways:

  • Delete all temporary tables using an aql.cleanup() function:

    # Delete all temporary
  • Specify a subset of temporary tables to be deleted:

    aql.cleanup([orders_data, joined_data])
    # Alternative syntax:
    [orders_data, joined_data] >> aql.cleanup()

In all scenarios, even if the user gives a non-temporary table, only temporary tables will actually be deleted.

Tying Astro SDK decorators to traditional Airflow Operators

  1. Operators that pass data that can be picked up by astro functions

  2. Operators that don’t pass any data but you want to run upstream of a task

Scenario 1: Operators that pass on data to astro sdk tasks

When passing operators that return Xcom-based data, you can just pass those values into the astro-sdk function using the .output function (or just using the output for values created with the taskflow API)

def get_num_rows():
    return 5

def get_rows(table: Table, name: str, num_rows: int):
    return "SELECT * FROM {{table}} WHERE name={{name}} LIMIT {{num_rows}}"

with dag:
    name_from_env = BashOperator(...)
    get_rows(table=Table(), name=name_from_env.output, num_rows=get_num_rows())

Scenario 2: Operators that dont pass on data to astro sdk tasks

When tying traditional tasks to astro-sdk decorators, you might run into a situation where the original operators might not pass any data. In these cases you can use the upstream_tasks function to set up dependencies between traditional airflow tasks and Astro SDK tasks

def get_rows(table: Table, num_rows: int):
    return "SELECT * FROM {{table}} LIMIT {{num_rows}}"

with dag:
    bash_command = BashOperator(...)
    get_rows(table=Table(), num_rows=5, upstream_tasks=[bash_command])