Supported File Location

Users can load file from all the supported file location that are listed below:

    LOCAL = "local"
    HTTP = "http"
    HTTPS = "https"
    GS = "gs"  # Google Cloud Storage
    GOOGLE_DRIVE = "gdrive"
    S3 = "s3"  # Amazon S3
    WASB = "wasb"  # Azure Blob Storage
    WASBS = "wasbs"  # Azure Blob Storage
    SFTP = "sftp"  # Remote file location
    FTP = "ftp"  # Remote file location

Supported File Type

Users can load the file of all the supported file types that are listed below:

    CSV = "csv"
    JSON = "json"
    NDJSON = "ndjson"
    PARQUET = "parquet"