Snowflake database implementation.
Module Contents
Dataclass which abstracts properties of a Snowflake File Format. |
Dataclass which abstracts properties of a Snowflake Stage. |
Handle interactions with snowflake databases. If this class is successful, we should not have any snowflake-specific |
Because Snowflake does not allow using Identifier for inserts or updates, |
- astro.databases.snowflake.DEFAULT_CONN_ID
- astro.databases.snowflake.ASTRO_SDK_TO_SNOWFLAKE_FILE_FORMAT_MAP
- astro.databases.snowflake.DEFAULT_STORAGE_INTEGRATION
- astro.databases.snowflake.NATIVE_LOAD_SUPPORTED_FILE_TYPES = ()
- astro.databases.snowflake.NATIVE_LOAD_SUPPORTED_FILE_LOCATIONS = ()
- astro.databases.snowflake.COPY_INTO_COMMAND_FAIL_STATUS = 'LOAD_FAILED'
- class astro.databases.snowflake.SnowflakeFileFormat
Dataclass which abstracts properties of a Snowflake File Format.
Snowflake File Formats are used to define the format of files stored in a stage.
snowflake_stage = SnowflakeFileFormat( name="file_format", file_type="PARQUET", )
- name: str = ''
- Return type:
- file_type: str = ''
- set_file_type_from_file(file)
Set Snowflake specific file format based on a given file.
- Parameters:
file (astro.files.File) – File to use for file type mapping.
- Return type:
- class astro.databases.snowflake.SnowflakeStage
Dataclass which abstracts properties of a Snowflake Stage.
Snowflake Stages are used to loading tables and unloading data from tables into files.
snowflake_stage = SnowflakeStage( name="stage_name", url="gcs://bucket/prefix", metadata=Metadata(database="SNOWFLAKE_DATABASE", schema="SNOWFLAKE_SCHEMA"), )
- property qualified_name: str
Return stage qualified name. In Snowflake, it is the database, schema and table
- Returns:
Snowflake stage qualified name (e.g. database.schema.table)
- Return type:
- name: str = ''
- Return type:
- url: str = ''
- metadata: astro.table.Metadata
- set_url_from_file(file)
Given a file to be loaded/unloaded to from Snowflake, identifies its folder and sets as self.url.
It is also responsible for adjusting any path specific requirements for Snowflake.
- Parameters:
file (astro.files.File) – File to be loaded/unloaded to from Snowflake
- Return type:
- class astro.databases.snowflake.SnowflakeDatabase(conn_id=DEFAULT_CONN_ID, table=None, load_options=None)
Handle interactions with snowflake databases. If this class is successful, we should not have any snowflake-specific logic in other parts of our code-base.
- Parameters:
conn_id (str) –
table (astro.table.BaseTable | None) –
load_options (astro.options.SnowflakeLoadOptions | None) –
- property sql_type: str
- Return type:
- property default_metadata: astro.table.Metadata
Fill in default metadata values for table objects addressing snowflake databases
- Return type:
- LOAD_OPTIONS_CLASS_NAME = ('SnowflakeLoadOptions',)
- hook()
Retrieve Airflow hook to interface with the snowflake database.
- Return type:
- static get_table_qualified_name(table)
Return table qualified name. In Snowflake, it is the database, schema and table
- Parameters:
table (astro.table.BaseTable) – The table we want to retrieve the qualified name for.
- Return type:
- create_file_format(file)
Create a new named file format.
- Parameters:
file (astro.files.File) – File to use for file format creation.
- Return type:
- create_stage(file, storage_integration=None, metadata=None)
Creates a new named external stage to use for loading data from files into Snowflake tables and unloading data from tables into files.
At the moment, the following ways of authenticating to the backend are supported: * Google Cloud Storage (GCS): using storage_integration, previously created * Amazon (S3): one of the following: (i) using storage_integration or (ii) retrieving the AWS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_KEY from the Airflow file connection
- Parameters:
file (astro.files.File) – File to be copied from/to using stage
storage_integration (str | None) – Previously created Snowflake storage integration
metadata (astro.table.Metadata | None) – Contains Snowflake database and schema information
- Returns:
Stage created
- Return type:
- stage_exists(stage)
Checks if a Snowflake stage exists.
- Param:
SnowflakeStage instance
- Returns:
- Parameters:
stage (SnowflakeStage) –
- Return type:
- drop_stage(stage)
Runs the snowflake query to drop stage if it exists.
- Parameters:
stage (SnowflakeStage) – Stage to be dropped
- Return type:
- is_native_autodetect_schema_available(file)
Check if native auto detection of schema is available.
- Parameters:
file (astro.files.File) – File used to check the file type of to decide whether there is a native auto detection available for it.
- Return type:
- create_table(table, *args, **kwargs)
Override create_table to add metadata columns to the table if specified in load_options
- Parameters:
table (astro.table.BaseTable) –
- create_table_using_native_schema_autodetection(table, file)
Create a SQL table, automatically inferring the schema using the given file via native database support.
- Parameters:
table (astro.table.BaseTable) – The table to be created.
file (astro.files.File) – File used to infer the new table columns.
- Return type:
- classmethod use_quotes(cols)
With snowflake identifier we have two cases,
- When Upper/Mixed case col names are used
We are required to preserver the text casing of the col names. By adding the quotes around identifier.
- When lower case col names are used
We can use them as is
This is done to be in sync with Snowflake SQLAlchemy dialect.
Snowflake stores all case-insensitive object names in uppercase text. In contrast, SQLAlchemy considers all lowercase object names to be case-insensitive. Snowflake SQLAlchemy converts the object name case during schema-level communication (i.e. during table and index reflection). If you use uppercase object names, SQLAlchemy assumes they are case-sensitive and encloses the names with quotes. This behavior will cause mismatches against data dictionary data received from Snowflake, so unless identifier names have been truly created as case sensitive using quotes (e.g. “TestDb”), all lowercase names should be used on the SQLAlchemy side.
- Parameters:
cols (Sequence[str]) – list of columns
- Return type:
- create_table_using_schema_autodetection(table, file=None, dataframe=None, columns_names_capitalization='original')
Create a SQL table, automatically inferring the schema using the given file. Overriding default behaviour and not using the prep_table since it doesn’t allow the adding quotes.
- Parameters:
table (astro.table.BaseTable) – The table to be created.
file (astro.files.File | None) – File used to infer the new table columns.
dataframe (pandas.DataFrame | None) – Dataframe used to infer the new table columns if there is no file
columns_names_capitalization (astro.constants.ColumnCapitalization) –
- Return type:
- is_native_load_file_available(source_file, target_table)
Check if there is an optimised path for source to destination.
- Parameters:
source_file (astro.files.File) – File from which we need to transfer data
target_table (astro.table.BaseTable) – Table that needs to be populated with file data
- Return type:
- load_file_to_table_natively(source_file, target_table, if_exists='replace', native_support_kwargs=None, **kwargs)
Load the content of a file to an existing Snowflake table natively by: - Creating a Snowflake external stage - Using Snowflake COPY INTO statement
Requirements: - The user must have permissions to create a STAGE in Snowflake. - If loading from GCP Cloud Storage, native_support_kwargs must define storage_integration - If loading from AWS S3, the credentials for creating the stage may be retrieved from the Airflow connection or from the storage_integration attribute within native_support_kwargs.
- Parameters:
source_file (astro.files.File) – File from which we need to transfer data
target_table (astro.table.BaseTable) – Table to which the content of the file will be loaded to
if_exists (astro.constants.LoadExistStrategy) – Strategy used to load (currently supported: “append” or “replace”)
native_support_kwargs (dict | None) – may be used for the stage creation, as described above.
- static evaluate_results(rows)
check the error state returned by snowflake when running copy into query.
- load_pandas_dataframe_to_table(source_dataframe, target_table, if_exists='replace', chunk_size=DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE)
Create a table with the dataframe’s contents. If the table already exists, append or replace the content, depending on the value of if_exists.
- Parameters:
source_dataframe (pandas.DataFrame) – Local or remote filepath
target_table (astro.table.BaseTable) – Table in which the file will be loaded
if_exists (astro.constants.LoadExistStrategy) – Strategy to be used in case the target table already exists.
chunk_size (int) – Specify the number of rows in each batch to be written at a time.
- Return type:
- get_sqlalchemy_template_table_identifier_and_parameter(table, jinja_table_identifier)
During the conversion from a Jinja-templated SQL query to a SQLAlchemy query, there is the need to convert a Jinja table identifier to a safe SQLAlchemy-compatible table identifier.
- For Snowflake, the query:
sql_statement = “SELECT * FROM {{input_table}};” parameters = {“input_table”: Table(name=”user_defined_table”, metadata=Metadata(schema=”some_schema”))}
- Will become
“SELECT * FROM IDENTIFIER(:input_table);” parameters = {“input_table”: “some_schema.user_defined_table”}
Example of usage:
jinja_table_identifier, jinja_table_parameter_value = get_sqlalchemy_template_table_identifier_and_parameter( Table(name="user_defined_table", metadata=Metadata(schema="some_schema"), "input_table" ) assert jinja_table_identifier == "IDENTIFIER(:input_table)" assert jinja_table_parameter_value == "some_schema.user_defined_table"
Since the table value is templated, there is a safety concern (e.g. SQL injection). We recommend looking into the documentation of the database and seeing what are the best practices.
- Parameters:
table (astro.table.BaseTable) – The table object we want to generate a safe table identifier for
jinja_table_identifier (str) – The name used within the Jinja template to represent this table
- Returns:
value to replace the table identifier in the query and the value that should be used to replace it
- Return type:
tuple[str, str]
- schema_exists(schema)
Checks if a schema exists in the database
- Parameters:
schema (str) – DB Schema - a namespace that contains named objects like (tables, functions, etc)
- Return type:
- merge_table(source_table, target_table, source_to_target_columns_map, target_conflict_columns, if_conflicts='exception')
Merge the source table rows into a destination table. The argument if_conflicts allows the user to define how to handle conflicts.
- Parameters:
source_table (astro.table.BaseTable) – Contains the rows to be merged to the target_table
target_table (astro.table.BaseTable) – Contains the destination table in which the rows will be merged
source_to_target_columns_map (dict[str, str]) – Dict of target_table columns names to source_table columns names
target_conflict_columns (list[str]) – List of cols where we expect to have a conflict while combining
if_conflicts (astro.constants.MergeConflictStrategy) – The strategy to be applied if there are conflicts.
- Return type:
- append_table(source_table, target_table, source_to_target_columns_map)
Append the source table rows into a destination table.
- Overriding the base method since we need to add quotes around the identifiers for
snowflake to preserve case of cols - Column(name=col, quote=True)
- Parameters:
source_table (astro.table.BaseTable) – Contains the rows to be appended to the target_table
target_table (astro.table.BaseTable) – Contains the destination table in which the rows will be appended
source_to_target_columns_map (dict[str, str]) – Dict of source_table columns names to target_table columns names
- Return type:
- classmethod get_merge_initialization_query(parameters)
Handles database-specific logic to handle constraints, keeping it agnostic to database.
- Parameters:
parameters (tuple) –
- Return type:
- openlineage_dataset_name(table)
Returns the open lineage dataset name as per Example: db_name.schema_name.table_name
- Parameters:
table (astro.table.BaseTable) –
- Return type:
- openlineage_dataset_namespace()
Returns the open lineage dataset namespace as per Example: snowflake://ACCOUNT
- Return type:
- openlineage_dataset_uri(table)
Returns the open lineage dataset uri as per
- Parameters:
table (astro.table.BaseTable) –
- Return type:
- truncate_table(table)
Truncate table
- astro.databases.snowflake.wrap_identifier(inp)
- Parameters:
inp (str) –
- Return type:
- astro.databases.snowflake.is_valid_snow_identifier(name)
Because Snowflake does not allow using Identifier for inserts or updates, we need to make reasonable attempts to ensure that no one can perform a SQL injection using this method. The following method ensures that a string follows the expected identifier syntax.
- Parameters:
name (str) –
- Return type:
- astro.databases.snowflake.ensure_internal_quotes_closed(name)
- Parameters:
name (str) –
- Return type:
- astro.databases.snowflake.ensure_only_valid_characters(name)
- Parameters:
name (str) –
- Return type: